TLC Stables
It is with great sadness that we let you know that after 21 years, TLC is closing its gates.
Our beloved Founder - Buddy Coffey, passed away in May of this year after several years of health set-backs, and the Estate of the previous land owner has decided to terminate the long-time Gentleman's agreement TLC has maintained all those years.
We have had some wonderful times in this journey. The joy of watching new riders experience the 'aha' moment, gain their riding confidence as well as personally and to truly understand what a gift it is to have a horse as a friend.
We know Buddy is now at peace and riding his horse Tavern out in the beautiful wilderness. He will forever be with us and we cherish the lessons he taught about life and horses.
We wish you all the best in your life and your horse journeys.
We thank you for sharing this part of your journey with us!
Happy Trails !!!
Our Mission Statement was and always will be...
To foster and teach the healthy relationship between horse and rider and how it can affect your entire life.
To teach respect between man and animal with care for each other.
To aid in the experience of interpersonal relationships between animals and man and man and mankind.
To foster and teach the healthy relationship between horse and rider and how it can affect your entire life.
To teach respect between man and animal with care for each other.
To aid in the experience of interpersonal relationships between animals and man and man and mankind.